Saturday, October 15, 2011

Child of God

Why do we find it so hard to trust God in the midst of our trials and tribulations? It is easy to trust God when everything is going your way; when you are healthy, happy, and the bills are paid. But, when your world is turned upside down...where is your trust then?

Children have 110% trust and faith in their parents. When a father corrects their child, the child will do what the dad said because they trust in him. The may not understand everything but the trust is there. That little child knows how much his dad loves him no matter!!

I remember when my son Caden was about 3 and we would go to the playground. He would be so afraid to go down the big slide. He would say "mom just hold my hand." He felt secure with me holding his hand and he was able to go down the slide even though he was still afraid. He had complete trust that I would not let him get hurt, and if he fell I would be there to pick him up.

As Christians we need to be like children and trust our heavenly father no matter what the circumstances look like.  God calls us his children!!! How much more should we have trust in him. He created us and knows everything about us. He calls us son & daughter.

1 John 3:1
"See how very much our FATHER loves us, for her calls us HIS CHILDREN, and that is what we are!"

Trust God because He is your heavenly Father and loves you unconditionally. There is nothing you can do or say that can make him love you less.  Take His hand and know son, daughter, you are secure in His care. 

Ps 2:7
"The Lord said "You are my son, and I have become your Father.""

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Deliverance from Gluttony

September 16, 2011 I was delivered from the bondage of food.  All of my life I used food as my comforter and my friend.  I would binge eat in the night till I was sick from eating so much. I would sleep an hour, wake up and eat, then sleep an hour, and eat more, this was all through the night.  Thoughts of food consumed my mind all day.  In the morning when I woke up the first thought was "what can I eat for breakfast," then after I ate breakfast I would think about what was for lunch and so on.  If I did not have the food I craved I would get so agitated and angry to the point of having anxiety attacks.  My relationship with food was unnatural. I felt so ashamed of myself. I would eat in secret, hide food, and hide my trash. The worst part was that I have Short-Bowel Syndrome and food, especially sugar can make me feel very sick. I knew I would get sick, nauseous, and have diarrhea from the food but there was a driving compulsion that I could not stop eating even in the face of the circumstances. I was in a cycle of binge eating, shame & guilt, sickness...eating...  All of my life I was on a diet. At my highest weight I was 291 lbs.  I had gastric bypass thinking that would solve my problems. But I was in bondage, only Jesus could set me free.  I tried everything, and when I made up my mind that food was getting in the way of my relationship with God, and that something had to change; and I could not do it; then and only then did I receive the deliverance that I needed.  I was in church on a Friday night Sept 16th 2011.  I was so desperate for a touch from the Lord that I stood up the entire service and prayed and worshiped the Lord. I was compelled to press in towards God, I didn't care what I looked like or who was sitting beside me thinking "will this girl sit down somewhere.."  I told the Lord that I needed HIM to rescue me, that I give up, I can't do it. If it was going to be done, it had to be by Jesus.  Then and there, I declared and decreed that I would no longer crave sugar and food, that I would crave only the things of God.  By the power of the Holy Spirit and the blood that Jesus shed over 2000 years ago I received deliverance from gluttony that night!! I went home and I slept like a baby all night, I did not get up to eat nor did I even think about it.  Every day since then I have lived SUGAR-FREE!!! I have slept through the night without binge eating!  Only God could do this. I have not missed the food or the sugar. The rivers of living water healed those dry and barren places inside of me and filled the void with the spirit of God so that I do not crave or misuse food!

If you find yourself in the same situation, there is hope!!!  Do not listen to the devil and think that "Ive tried and tried and failed and I can not kick this habit, so why try again.." The devil is a LIAR!!! Don't live your life defeated in this area, because Jesus can set you free just as He did for me.  Food is supposed to support our physical body, we can not continue to abuse food. It can not feed our emotions or make us happy, that is trick of the devil! Turn to God, the one true comforter to meet your needs! If you find yourself experiencing this pray:
"Lord Jesus, forgive me for using food inappropriately. Forgive me for making food my god. Lord I chose this day to serve you and not food.  Jesus, I have tried to change, and I can't do it without you. I declare right now in the name of Jesus that I will no longer crave food but the things of God. I command the spirit of gluttony to leave me right now by the power and name of Jesus Christ. Lord fill me those empty and dry places in me with your Holy Spirit, so that I can walk victory!  Thank you Lord for victory and freedom!, Amen."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In the shadows of the Lord

I love how God can use anything in His creation to minister to you.  As I was driving home from taking Caden to school this morning. I saw two HUGE beautiful green lush trees side by side, and in the shadow of the trees was another small fragile tree.  This reminded me of Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father, and we are seated at the right hand of Jesus.  We are in the shadows of his grace and mercy and love. He shields us from the sun, and even in a season of drought we will not wither because we are in his shadows.

"And he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads out its roots by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but its leaf shall be green. It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought, nor shall it cease yielding fruit" Jeremiah 17:8

In your season of drought, hold onto the word in Jeremiah 17:8 and know that you are in the shadows of God's care. Go forth no matter how hot it gets and bear fruit in this season because you are still in the care of the Lord. 