Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The breath of God

My husband and I went on a cross country trail for a 3 mile walk this weekend. We are on a new journey to get healthy. I was breathing heavier than normal, but it was just due to the exercise. All of a sudden about halfway through our walk I told Vince I couldn’t breathe, I felt as those I was inhaling but my lungs were not expanding or responding. I kept breathing harder and deeper, til I was gasping for air. My lungs were making a rattling sound and I was beginning to panic. Vince said “Crystal let’s sit down” I told him no, that I would slow down, but I needed to keep going. I was so scared but I didn’t tell him, tears were running down my face, this continued for a couple of minutes. I was not getting any oxygen, my body started to shake uncontrollably, I was getting light headed, I held onto Vince’s hand to hold me up. My face and mouth was shaking, my body was shaking. I started to get nauseous and I felt my strength melt out of my body. I felt like I was dying, and I knew at any second I was going to collapse. I was so scared but the Lord calmed me down long enough to make a rational decision. I could either give up and die on that trail or rise up in God and exercise the authority He has given me. I could barely speak but I was able to get out a few whispering, shaky words “Satan I bind you and every demon attacking my body. I command you to go now in the name of Jesus. “ I had my water bottle and I lifted it up to heaven and I said “Jesus will you please dip your finger in this water and turn it into the blood of Christ in the spirit realm. I decree and I declare that when I drink this water it will bring full restoration to my body.” I took a drink of the water, that symbolized the blood of Christ and instantly everything stopped. Vince could literally see my chest well up as if God himself blew into my nostrils. The shaking and nausea stopped instantly. I had my strength again!!!!! My tears of fear turned into tears of joy! I worshiped and praised God at the top of my lungs! The Holy Spirit said to me “You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, do not be afraid, I will not leave you….” I continued on our walk feeling as if I could run a marathon I felt so good!!! We were almost at the end of the trail and suddenly I felt something choking me. It literally felt like hands around my neck cutting off my airway. I was gasping again and could barely speak. I didn’t panic this time, I said “Lord I summons the angel that brings life…..” and instantly I felt a breeze go through my body and my throat was released and I was breathing normal!!!
We left the trail, I was feeling like a million dollars…God showed me I DO have the authority!!! The words I spoke were almost at a whisper because I couldn't breath, but they didn't have to be loud to be powerful!!!
We went to pick up our son, and then the Holy Spirit let me know that experience was not all about me…. We went to Vince’s cousins house to get Caden our son… He wasn’t there he left with his aunt. However, Vince’s 2 cousins were there. We were able to minister to them, and lead them to Christ!!! Had I let the devil win, that night would have ended up with me in the hospital or dead, and the two souls would still be lost. But God had a better plan!!!