Friday, August 26, 2011

BOLDNESS in your Egypt

Lately I have been feeling like I am backed up against the wall and I can't see a way out..Today God showed me my way out...  I hope this will be of encouragement to some of you who are facing trials and feel like there is no solution. I'm here to tell you there is a solution, and His name is Jesus!!!!

Exodus 14:8..."so he (Pharaoh) chased after them (Israelites), the children of Israel went out in BOLDNESS."

The Israelites complained that Moses had led them to the wilderness to die. They said they had it better in their suffering in Egypt rather than following Moses to a place that was dried up and had no water to drink or no food to eat.  The Egyptians were closing in on the Israelites and they were backed up against the sea with no where to go.

When persecution and trouble keep chasing you, do as the Israelites did and PUSH forth through the trial with BOLDNESS.  They raised they hands in defiance to Egypt, to their surroundings, to lack, to frustration.  When you are backed up against the wall and facing your troubles, push forth with boldness, God will part the waters and make a way out of no way. He will drown your enemy and cast your troubles to the bottom of the sea. Everyone around you will see what God has done and know who your Lord is.

Just as the Israelites asked for food and water, it was given to them from God.
Exodus 16 says they asked for food and it rained down manna from heaven and they could gather it to eat.
Exodus 17 The Israelites asked for water because they had none, there were in a barren land.  They asked for water, and God gave it to them.  God had Moses strike a rock with his staff and water gushed from it.

Some of you are in the wilderness and in this barren place where you are asking God why am I here? Whatever you need in this hour, ask God and it will be given to you from the Lord.  He wants to pour rivers of living water into your dry places.

Complaining and worring raises your stress and blocks you from hearing the Lord. Prayer quiets your thoughts and emotions and prepares you for listening.  Be still and be quiet in God, ask and you shall receive.

Do not complain but be thankful for you are in transition. The Lord God is delivering you out of your Egypt into your destiny.

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