Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"...and suddenly all was calm" Mat 8:26

Has anyone every had a bad attitude? Do you get grouchy sometimes? Well I do! and I don't like that person... I have been praying about myself, and I want to release that attitude to God because I know it's not how I need to act.

Most of us are very familiar with Matthew 8:24,  when Jesus is on the boat with the disciples in the storm.  I received a new revelation of this scripture; and I thank God for it!

Matthew 8: 24 Suddenly, a terrible storm came up, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went to him and woke him up, shouting, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" 26 And Jesus answered, "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!" Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm.

Imagine yourself as the boat, the vessel that Jesus Christ has boarded for rest. He has set up habitation on this vessel,  He got comfortable, laid back and went to sleep. He was at perfect peace; while on the outside there is a dangerous storm.  The disciples represent the different attitudes, complaints, fears, etc.  When the storm, (ie. life's circumstances) came, the disciples were afraid, they shouted out of fear, they ran around the boat frantic for their life.  ...  But Jesus; here He is, sleeping peaceful, He awakes and says, Why are you afraid? I am with you...

WE are the vessel!! You and I are a vessel for the Holy Spirit. He wants to set up habitation in us. We are to be a comfortable home for the Holy Spirit. He wants to live in us and be at peace, kick up his heels and rest, and give us the same peace and rest!  But we have all of these things on the inside of us that crowd the Holy Spirit.  We have fears, complaints, bad attitudes etc.  If the Holy Spirit is inside of us, and we have made a comfortable vessel for Him, we should always be at peace, even in the midst of our storms.  We have to let go of our attitudes, our fears, and negative thoughts and behaviors because we can not experience the fullness of peace, love, and joy, that which is the Holy Spirit living inside of us.  Make a decision today to let go of your inner self that crowds the Holy Spirit, clean up your vessel and make it a comfortable place for the Holy Spirit to live in!  Praise Him in the midst of your storms and He will be with you! He can not be in the midst of our bad attitudes! The bible says the God inhabits the praises of His people. Psalm 22:3.  Clean up your house and let God be your permament House Guest. 

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