Friday, November 4, 2011

Sticky Situation

A few days ago my son and I were at home on a Wednesday afternoon.  It was time to get ready for church. I went upstairs to throw on some makeup and iron the clothes. Caden, my 5 yr old son, came upstairs while I was getting ready and showed me his neck -- it was covered in sticky buble gum! While he was out of my sight he took his gum, chewed it up, stretched it out and wrapped it around his neck to make a bubble gum necklace.  After he figured out that wasn't a good idea, he tried to scrub it off  and scrub and scrub till his neck was red and STILL covered in gum.  So he came to me for my help as a last resort. He knew I would be disapointed but he also knew the gum wouldn't come off unless I got it off for him.  Although, he continued to try to do it himself, finally he gave up and let me try. He cried, he squirmed, but; after a trip to the store to get baby oil, and an hour of oiling him down, and scrubbing, and picking gum off of him and out of his little neck hairs, I finally got it all off.

Just as my son was out of my sight and did what he wanted to do; sometimes we step out of the will of God and follow our own desires and find ourselves in a sticky situation. We try to get out of our mess by ourselves only to find out that we need help. We run to the Father, "God, please help me out of this situation...".  Because God loves us so much He will help us. The extraction process doesn't feel good, we want immediate relief.  We don't want to go through the process of cleaning up the mess. So we cry, we rebel, we try to clean it up again ourselves and we continue to be in that same mess.  It is not until we surrender to God and let Him clean up our mess one area at a time, then we are out of that sticky situation - But you have to go through the process. There is not always an easy fix, but be patient and take comfort in God, He is our helper in our time of trouble no matter how sticky the situation!

Psalm 46:1  "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble."

We can avoid many sticky situations if we live according to God's will and yield our lives to Him.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

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